Collect and transport "garbage" to the landfill.
Export commodities reclaimed from waste stream.
Environmental/Waste Management consultation, waste stream assessments, ISO 14001 reports, & more.
Collect, transport, sort, de-manufacture, and process pre-recyclables.
Export commodities reclaimed from waste stream.
Environmental awareness and disposal training.

Community Engagement
Greening the Caribbean (GtC) is dedicated to improving the local environment and igniting a sustainable lifestyle movement one island at a time, starting in St. Lucia.
How do we do this?
School-Based Environmental Program
GtC developed and launched a Sustainable Lifestyle Program at the Marchand Combined School. In collaboration with the Rotary Club of St. Lucia, we are providing additional resources to the student-led Conservation Club developed by National Conservation Authority and Peace Corps Volunteers.
Global Recycling Day
On March 19, 2019, GtC held the first ever Global Recycling Day program in the Caribbean. The purpose of this internationally recognized day was to draw attention to the role recycling plays in protecting our environment. This was monumental because recycling is not required by law in St. Lucia, and GtC is the only business providing this level of environmental management and recycling services on the island.